As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Post About Beans...

...the cute, cuddly kind, that is...

Specifically, this kind:
(I'm really not sure when the nickname Beans started, but I know that Shana started calling Quintin this a long time ago. And it has stuck.)

He is brilliant. And funny. And huggable. And squishy. And SO much fun. I'm glad God blessed us with Beans.

Some funny things he says:

"I love to pick boogers with my friends." (A true boy.)

"Listen me, dear. Orange juice is not spicy. And tigers no eat grapefruits."

"I'm having ploblems!"

"Mom! Mom! Listen me! I need your attention!"

And he actually uses words like understand, definitely, ridiculous, actually, and literally. What other 2-year-old does that?!?!?

One day, Shana was putting chili into a bowl. Quintin said, "Shana, stop!" She responded with, "Why? You can't eat that much?" His reply? "No! I would literary die!"

On another day, he ripped a sticker in half and thought we could use a screwdriver to fix it.

He also thought he could charge his toy drill with my computer cord. 

 What a kid.

He has my heart. 

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