As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Monday, May 4, 2020

Springy Things...

Gorgeous berries:

Still doing school at home:

Flowers from my hubby:

My favorite breakfast:

Beautiful trees and flowers:


Sunny picnics:

 Food pick-up from school (each week of the Covid quarantine, the school provides 2 meals a day for 5 days for every child in the district ages 1-18. We've only picked it up one much food!)

Grandpa teaching woodworking classes to his grandsons:

Our 20th anniversary didn't look exactly like we thought it would. We were supposed to be on a cruise to the Bahamas and swimming with dolphins, but the quarantine changed all that. We were still able to get away for a couple of days, just the two of us, and spent a relaxing time in Holmes County. Here's Chris's quarantine beard:

He shaved it off while we were away:

I was the undisputed pool champion again... 😄

While we were gone, we kept getting pictures like this texted to us from home:

Captions like this were also texted to us: "Check out this kid. "The breakfast that he always wanted for his entire life" is sitting in front of him. Three cereals mixed, along with the biggest spoon we have. Along with a drink of milk." 🤣

I finished my diamond painting:

 Croquet games on the lawn:

 My Uncle Don passed away yesterday. He was such a sweet man, but I am so thankful that he's finally Home. He has been sick for so many years, and now he can rest with a new mind and body. This is a photo of his family singing a few of his favorite hymns outside his nursing home window the other day. 💓 

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