As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Catching Up...

 The boys are enjoying football, although it seems like a lot of their games have been cancelled.

Something about these photos is just so satisfying. It's too bad that baking is not good for my diet...

Q is having so much fun in kindergarten...

Army worms attacked our lawn this fall, turning it brown. An infected area is shown below on the left, while the right is an area they hadn't gotten to yet. Thankfully, one of Chris's cousins sprayed our lawn and saved it from complete loss. It is now growing back.

Chris, Shana, and I attended a presentation by Kibir Consultants, who help to make an impact for God's Kingdom through Ethiopian businesses. 

We received updates from a couple of our sponsored children. Aren't they beautiful?

We've been adding a storage room and closet in our barn:

J and J spent a couple of days at the lake with a friend:

We've been able to meet Adrian for a couple of meals in Fort Wayne lately:

The girls enjoyed guests for Labor Day weekend:

We had to take J and J to Cincinnati for biometrics appointments at USCIS. We enjoyed some sushi on the way:

At the beginning of the summer, we thought that Covid was going away for good. Unfortunately, it is back in full force and many kids, including Jalen, are currently quarantined from school. He has no symptoms, but was a close contact of someone who tested positive. The school is also back to requiring masks. When life seems crazy and unpredictable, I am so thankful for a God who is still in control of everything!

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