As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Glacier National Park, Day 2

 On our second day in the park, we did several hikes and spotted a black bear and her cubs. A couple of people told us that they spotted a grizzly and 2 cubs near our van, but she was gone by the time we got back. We had another great day enjoying God’s beautiful creation! 

On the Avalanche Lake trail, we were hiking along minding our own business, when all of a sudden someone shouted Chris’s name. We looked up, and there was Paul, one of Chris’s co-workers! These guys took vacation the same week and picked the same time of the same day to hike the same trail in the same national park. What are the odds? Honestly, we were kind of blown away. 

There’s mama black bear 👇🏼

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