- traveling to Holmes County, Ohio to pick up LOTS of prescription drugs to take to Africa for the kiddos there. A wonderful pharmacy in eastern Ohio gave us all of the medicines at their cost. We also got to spend the day touring the county with the kids. We visited Lehman's, Heini's Cheese Factory, a shop in Berlin, and the P. Graham Dunn store.
And this is how the twins walked through the stores:
- making Africa t-shirts for everyone on our mission team.
- packing and repacking and weighing and reweighing donation totes!
- attending the middle school's academic awards ceremony. Shana walked away with 7 awards, including 2 Phys. Ed awards, outstanding achievement in World History, outstanding achievement in Pre-Algebra, the Super Student award for ELA, a Science Fair award, and an award for making the all-A honor roll all year. Great job, Shana!
- making muscles.
- enjoying the outdoors.
- attending end-of-the-year musicals, ceremonies, and concerts at school. Shana had her last choir concert of the year the other night. The kids did a great job!