As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Friday, May 23, 2014

Our Lives...

...have been full. Between end-of-school stuff, getting things around for our Africa trip, and having guests, there's not a shortage of things to do. We have been:

- traveling to Holmes County, Ohio to pick up LOTS of prescription drugs to take to Africa for the kiddos there. A wonderful pharmacy in eastern Ohio gave us all of the medicines at their cost. We also got to spend the day touring the county with the kids. We visited Lehman's, Heini's Cheese Factory, a shop in Berlin, and the P. Graham Dunn store.

And this is how the twins walked through the stores:

- making Africa t-shirts for everyone on our mission team.

- packing and repacking and weighing and reweighing donation totes!

- attending the middle school's academic awards ceremony. Shana walked away with 7 awards, including 2 Phys. Ed awards, outstanding achievement in World History, outstanding achievement in Pre-Algebra, the Super Student award for ELA, a Science Fair award, and an award for making the all-A honor roll all year. Great job, Shana!

- making muscles.

- enjoying the outdoors.

- attending end-of-the-year musicals, ceremonies, and concerts at school. Shana had her last choir concert of the year the other night. The kids did a great job!

 - asking for your prayers as we lead a team of 11 people to Ethiopia this weekend! Please pray that God would go before us and give us the strength and focus that we need in order to be His hands and feet to the Ethiopian people. Also, pray for safe travels, our health, our kiddos at home, those babysitting for them, and that our team members who have never been overseas would not experience too much culture shock. Above all, pray that God's name will be glorified! Thank you so much!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

These Two...

...keep things lively around here.

One day, Jordan was talking about "riding the roller scapers." Turns out he meant "roller blades."

Jordan was talking about his "bran' new bed." I told him his bed was not brand new, so he asked, "Is it bran' old?"

Today, Jalen informed me, "Mom, if you spoil us, we will do whatever you say." I asked him what it meant to "spoil them," and he said, "It means take us to Florida and on lots of other trips today." Oh, no problem. I'm sure I could find time for that.....

And this is how twins exercise:

Monday, May 19, 2014

Double Digits!!

A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ashton today! He is 10 years old!

Ashie- We hope you have a wonderful birthday! We're so thankful that God brought you into our world 10 years ago, and we love you to pieces! XOXOXOXOXO

Thursday, May 15, 2014


- We got to keep Lily for the weekend while her parents were in Ethiopia meeting their son for the first time!

- We've been enjoying spring! 

- We took a family photo: 

...and got one of Chris's whole family, too.

 And here's one of Malia and Haley, just because they're so cute:

- We've been collecting lots of donations for our trip to Africa, and our basement has become a packing center:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Children of the World

Ashton and Malia were in the spring musical, "Children of the World," at school the other night. They played the parts of children from Africa, so they wore their Ethiopian traditional outfits. Both of them had speaking parts, and they did a great job!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Great, Awesome, Fantastic News!!!

Many of you followed the story of V, the little orphan boy from Ukraine that we hosted over Christmas a year and a half ago.

I am thrilled to announce that V will be coming back to the United States this summer! He will be living with a host family in the Chicago area. Please pray that V would feel God's nearness and blessings while he is here, and that his host family would also feel God's love and strength as they prepare their hearts and home for an unforgettable summer!  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Have A Heart For Ethiopia" in Photos

Our first annual "Have a Heart For Ethiopia" orphan care benefit dinner!