As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Wonderful Boys....

Adrian and Ashton were both named as Students of the Month, so the other day Malia and I went to school to eat lunch with them.

Adrian receiving his award from the principal:

Adrian's teacher chose him as Student of the Month because - 

"Adrian works conscientiously in all subject areas. He has an in depth understanding of math concepts. Adrian's quiet sense of humor makes him a pleasure to have in class."

Ashton receiving his award from the principal (and he doesn't look too sure about being the center of attention):

 Ashton's teacher said she chose him to be Student of the Month because - 

"Ashton is such a shining star! He comes into our room each day with a smile on his face and he is ready to learn. He is always the first to offer help when someone needs it. I appreciate all of Ashton's hard work. Continue to let your light shine!"

Good job, boys! Keep up the good work! I love you lots!

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