As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Life-Saving Surgery Needed For Ethiopian Friend!

We received word this week that our friend Tom, the guard and special father at Hannah's Hope in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is desperately ill and needs an emergency surgery. Tom spent hours with our boys while they lived at Hannah's Hope, and told me that they always laughed hysterically together. Tom is one of the sweetest, gentlest, and most selfless men I have ever met, and always makes us feel special and loved when we visit. He loved playing soccer with Shana and Adrian when we visited last summer, and when Chris presented him with some money and clothes, he hugged Chris tightly for several minutes with tears streaming down his face. He then roasted some corn for us over an open was delicious, and we were so humbled that he would share what little he had with us.

A parasite has attacked Tom's internal organs, and his liver has been mostly eaten away. He has been experiencing a lot of internal bleeding, and will die soon if he cannot get the help he needs. My heart aches for him, but we are praying that God would provide comfort and healing during this difficult time. Unfortunately, he cannot get the care he needs in Ethiopia and will most likely have to travel to Thailand  for surgery. Some specific prayer points are:

  • He would be able to get an expedited passport in order to be able to travel for the surgery.
  • For his friends in Ethiopia to be able to find someone trustworthy to travel with him that knows English very well so they can advocate, communicate and care for him in another country.
  • That every single detail will fall into place.
  • That the Lord would sustain his health so he can travel and be able to have this life saving surgery.
  • For the Lord to engulf this man with a peace that surpasses all understanding.
  • The monetary funds for his surgery 
Could you please say a prayer for Tom and consider donating to this very worthy cause? Please visit this link for more information: Thank you so much.

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