As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Monday, November 5, 2018

Welcome Home!!!

November is National Adoption Month, and today I would like to celebrate the adoption of some very dear family friends. The Steyer family recently brought precious Mahi home from Ethiopia, and Shana, Malia, Quintin, and I were privileged to welcome them home at the Columbus airport. Val was in Ethiopia for 12 long weeks fighting for her daughter, and we were able to help each other through some hard times. The daily texts we sent to each other around the world were precious to me, and I am so thankful that God moved through and in spite of all the sickness, fear, political turmoil, unknowns, frustration, doubts, tears, adoption closure, and heartbreak to bring Mahi home! He is ALWAYS greater! The Steyers' multiple adoption stories are a testimony to God's faithfulness, and I'm thankful that one little orphan boy from Ukraine brought about the Steyer/Manz friendship almost 6 years ago. I have no idea where our precious Vitalik is today, but I am thankful that God knows, sees, and cares for everyone, and that He brought about the adoptions of at least 5 dear children because of V's time here. 💗

Introducing Mahi!

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