As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Friday, May 5, 2017

Springtime Happenings...

My living room goes from a mess of toddler toys during the day to a college paper writing scene at night. Oh, the stages of life.

Some of Ashton's artwork:

Malia and Jordan were both EMA poster contest winners:

The kids enjoyed STEM night at school:

Malia participated in a 5th grade choir concert:

Mr. Q LOVES to be outside:

 We're enjoying the spring flowers and rainbows:

 An adoptive mama friend of mine also has a Quintin, who has outgrown his personalized backpack. So she mailed it to us for our Quintin's use! From one Quintin to the next:

 Little man loves his tunes:

 We had a recent hailstorm that caused some damage in the area. I don't think I had ever seen hail this big before! It was about 1 3/4 inches long.

 Chris had a business trip to North Carolina last week, so I went along. We visited the Billy Graham Library and had a conference call with AGCI, but mostly I just relaxed and worked on Quintin's baby book. It was a nice little getaway!

An old lady came to visit!?

 Springtime also means that the school year is drawing to a close, and this photo pretty much sums up it up:

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