As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Monday, November 22, 2021

As of Late...

 We celebrated an early Thanksgiving with Chris's family.

Malia visited the Ark Encounter with the single group and got to meet Ken Ham.

Shana and Malia have been hard at work getting ready for some upcoming vendor markets. How did I get such amazing girls? They have both started their own businesses that give back to the people of Ethiopia. If you're shopping with a purpose for Christmas this year, consider and

Beautiful fall colors are still hanging around...

On Saturday, I got to spend a few hours with my friend Suzi. She was "supposed" to be in Haiti, and I was "supposed" to be on a plane heading to Ethiopia, but God knew that we were supposed to get together. It was so good to catch up a bit and hear about her family's experience in the middle of Haiti's most recent earthquake. God miraculously spared their lives. 💝

The days have gotten colder and I decorated for Christmas!

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