As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Saturday, August 10, 2024

It’s That Time of Year…

 …when everything gets crazy busy right before school starts! We have fit so much into our schedules lately. Here’s a peek at some of the things we’ve been up to:

We recently had lunch at Angie’s, followed by making bouquets at the flower field across the road from her house:

I took Malia to college orientation:

Tesfaye, our friend from Ethiopia, came to the USA and spent a week with us. He shared with our community and a church in Indiana what it was like to grow up in the Korah trash dump community in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He enjoyed experiencing American life and taking tours of our church, school, community, and several local factories. 

The boys are in the middle of football 2-a-days, and last week they had a football boot camp with the Army/National Guard. Jordan won an award for giving his all and not stopping when things got tough. 

More babysitting for sweet Shiloh. How is anyone supposed to get anything done when so much cuteness abounds?!

J and J recently had Meet the Teams night at school and their first scrimmage of the season. Go Panthers! 

Jordan recently had the opportunity to job shadow the marketing team at Chris’s workplace. He had a great time! 

J and J have been getting their driving hours in with the instructor from the driving school. 

We have been busy going to appointments and doing paperwork for our home study update.

Chris has been building a pool deck in the backyard. There’s still quite a bit of work to do, but it’s coming together! 

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