As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Our Trip to Colorado and a Must-See Video

Well, we're finally back from Colorado, and what a week it was! Poor Shana, who stayed home, was sick for a good portion of the week, and my Dad ended up in the hospital with blood clots in his legs and lungs, and even had a few by his heart! The doctor stressed over and over how fortunate Dad was that he survived the incident. I'm so glad that he got to the hospital when he did - Praise God!!!!!!!!!! He is doing much better now, and was released from the hospital on Sunday. It was a pretty scary week, but I'm so thankful to God for answering our prayers.

Although my heart was at home with my Dad and Shana, we still enjoyed our trip. Here are a few of my favorite photos from our week in beautiful Colorado:

Monday morning, there was a huge double rainbow over the city that lasted for at least half an hour. We got to enjoy it the entire time we were eating breakfast.

Malia with John Avery Whitaker. We visited Whit's End (from Adventures in Odyssey) at the Focus on the Family Visitor Center in Colorado Springs.

Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs:

We visited an old Ghost Town:

And went to the zoo:

We even ate lunch with this little guy:

One day, we went to a candy factory and watched them make lollipops, caramels, and ribbon candies:

Friday, we visited Estes Park:

Needless to say, I didn't stick to my diet very well while we were gone:

One evening we ate at the Buckhorn, the oldest restaurant in Colorado. I even got adventurous and tried a bite of rattlesnake, which was actually pretty good! Malia loved the alligator, and Chris had elk, buffalo and quail. I think from now on, I'll just stick with beef or chicken.

I'll leave you with this video about Orphan Sunday, which is this coming Sunday, November 7th. Grab a tissue!

Hope is Fading – Orphan Sunday from Allan Rosenow on Vimeo.


  1. Beautiful pictures!!! Looks like ya'll had a great trip! Hope your Dad and Shana are better soon!

  2. SO GLAD your DAD is okay! Whew! go, GOD! You are brave! I seriously doubt I would try rattlesnake. Maybe alligator. But most likely not rattlesnake! Yikes! :)
