Her parents died when she was young. Too young to know how to deal with that kind of anguish. From that point on, she had to work extremely hard; back-breaking labor day in and day out so that she could provide for her grandmother. A couple of years later, she had a child. Her relationship with her grandmother became very strained, and now there was another mouth to feed. But looking back, she realizes how much more she has lost in the years since. Her fiancee is gone. Her sons are gone. Her health is gone. And she is only 23. Now, she is hearing reports of her people being driven from their land and put into concentration camps. The leaders of the government don't care for her people and are forcing them out of their homes. She wonders when they will come for her. She wonders how much time she has left. Her first-born is still with her, but she is very concerned for her child's future. What will happen to her? Who will take care of her daughter when she is gone? And she is getting sicker each day. It is only a matter of time.......
The Anuak people of Western Ethiopia are being brutally driven from their homes. Their land is being taken away as well, and given to foreigners who will raise crops to export. The Anuak tribe has darker skin than most Ethiopians, and racism is common there, just like it is still prevalent in other parts of the world. Today, I am asking you to pray for these beautiful people. The things that they are facing are horrible, and my heart is breaking for them. This situation hits very close to home, as our twins are Anuak. These are their people. This is their homeland. This is their birth family. Please join us in raising these people up before the throne of our Heavenly Father. Thank you.
This is heartbreaking - and I know that it weighs so heavy on your heart. Praying alongside you...