As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Catching Up...

Here are some of the recent happenings around here:

-My brother-in-law Nathan, who is originally from Ghana, became a U.S. citizen! Congratulations, Nathan! 

-Jalen and Jordan dressed up as a clown and a cowboy for their Halloween parade at school.

-A little bit of cousin cuteness:

-We received updated photos of the library we built at Kisanet primary school in Ethiopia. It's good to see the place in use!

-We also received updates and new photos of the children we sponsor in Ethiopia. 3 of them want to be a doctor, and one wants to be an engineer. I hope that they can continue their education to make their dreams come true!

 -The twins went on a field trip to the Festival of Trees:

-We had a very late birthday party for 9 of the cousins on Chris's side of the family:

-It snowed! I'm really hoping that this winter doesn't prove to be as brutal as last year...

-Copper found a new favorite hang-out spot on our front porch:

-Seth and Casey are starting a domestic adoption journey! We wish them all the best, and can't wait to see who God has in store for our family!
To follow their journey, visit their blog at

-Interesting statements from the two youngest lately:

Jordan: "When we get to heaven someday, maybe we can play dodge-ball with the stars."

Jalen: "Some men are all the way bulbed, and other men are bulbed with hair on their bulbed."

Jordan: "Wow! That snow is cold! It's probably less than 70!"

Jalen: "My bed is a queen." Shana: "My bed is a queen, too." Jalen: "Oh. Then mine must be a prince."

We were discussing coming up with a mission statement for our family. Jalen claims his mission is "to protect the house and be big."

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