As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Friday, June 28, 2024

Summer Catch-Up…

 I completed a 2000-piece personalized puzzle that the kids gave me for Mother’s Day…

I’ve been enjoying snuggle time with Shiloh…

God always keeps His promises…

J and J went on a little vacation with Cheryl, London, Gracie, Grandpa, Grandma, Karl, and Angie while we were on Malia’s senior trip…

More snuggle time with Shiloh…

Summertime beauty….

Time in the pool…

Life has been very busy and somewhat overwhelming lately. I can’t talk about everything that has happened on a public blog, but sometimes life throws curveballs. I’m thankful I have a God who cares and gives me hope. He is faithful. Please keep praying for David, Larisa, Yikealo, and Sintay. 

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