As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Keeping Busy........

This past weekend found us traveling to Kentucky on Friday and Saturday, and to Michigan Sunday through yesterday. Whew!! We had some business to take care of, but we were also able to sneak in a few days for a mini vacation with the kids. 

In adoption news, we keep busy staring at our boys' pictures while we patiently wait for our court date. We're hoping to be able to travel to Ethiopia yet this summer; however, the Ethiopian court system shuts down during the months of August and September. If we can't squeeze in before then, we most likely won't meet our boys face to face until October or November.

Today, we moved all of Malia's belongings into Shana's bedroom. The two girls will now share a room, and I will start redecorating Malia's old room for the twins. I hope to start painting tomorrow. I'm also working on a photo book of the twins and our family for the boys' birth mother, as well as a couple of photo albums to leave with the boys when we travel to meet them for the first time. We can't wait!!!!!

Have a great day, everyone!!

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