As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Letters from the Kisanet Kids

The kids at Kisanet Primary School, where we built the library and painted classrooms, were absolutely precious. We loved being with them, and they showed their appreciation for us by writing letters. Each member of our team came home from Ethiopia with handfuls of letters, and each one touched my heart so much.
The beautiful kids of Kisanet:

This beautiful girl, Melat, wrote a song and sang it for us at the dedication ceremony for the library. She also wrote Chris and me a precious letter...

"My name is Melat... I am happy because you came to see us. I am happy by the library and I would like to thank you. Because when you came we felt happy and thank you for helping our school and students and I hope you will help us again in the future. And to your dear wife...I love her very much. She is like my real mother and tall here...I like her like my real mother. Bye bye. Thank you for everything. With welcome to your wife. By Melat..." Oh, my heart! Of course I burst into tears when I read it.

And this handsome man, Abraham, wrote me a letter and picked me a rose! Awww.....I loved him so much.

 "Hi Erica. How are you? I am Abraham...First of all I would like to say thank you for your consideration to me and also to thank you for your full respection because you are give me all your email and phone numbers. All in all I love you so much Erica."

Ashton going through his letters back at the hotel:

I miss those kiddos so much, and hope to see them again someday!

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