As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles. - Walt Whitman

Friday, July 22, 2022

As of Late…

 The night we got home from Ethiopia, I unpacked a few things and went straight to bed. Not J and J! They went fishing! 

We brought all these bracelets and baskets home from Ethiopia (straight from Gambella!) so we could sell them and send the profits back. Lots of adoptive moms of Gambella kiddos have been thrilled with these items from their children’s birth culture. 

Jalen went swimming in a friend’s pond and decided to see how much mud he could cake on himself. He even made a mud helmet, and was picking mud out of his hair and ears long afterward. Boys! I guess they say that mud baths are good for the skin, right?! 

We have another driver…Malia got her license! How do I have 4 kids driving already?!

Quintin played Monopoly with my dad while we were in Ethiopia, and now he begs to play it every day. Thankfully, Chris obliges him sometimes because I never have liked the game much. 

God paints the clouds in the evening sky…

Please pray for my brother-in-law, David. He has a rare form of blood cancer and has been struggling with his health for quite awhile. Larisa and the boys are overwhelmed and I know they’d appreciate your prayers. Thanks. ❤️

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